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"The Church That Love Built"
In May 1954, twenty-one dreamers met in the home of Mrs. Gertrude Banks with one common purpose and desire, to materialize their dream of establishing a church where they could secure spiritual nourishment for their souls in harmony and love. Calling themselves the "Pathfinders" and electing Irving Shirley as chairman; his wife Mrs. Daisy Shirley as secretary; Allan R. Meadows, treasurer: Eva Brown chaplain; and Irving R. Gray as financial chairman, they set out to enlist others who felt the growing urge for real opportunity to serve their maker through service to their fellowman. After membership reached the 300 mark and realizing the need for a good "Shepherd" they sought and secured the leadership of Rev. C.F. Stewart. Thus, People's Community Church was born.
Sunday School
Adult Sunday School is now in session Sundays, from 9:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m. Sunday School lessons are hosted through ZOOM. You may log into any electronic device you choose – computer, tablet or telephone at pccsundayschool8601@YAHOO.COM to sign up.

Sunday Worship
Sunday Worship Service 10:30am In person or via Facebook and Youtube.
Formal and informal attire most common
Blend of traditional and contemporary worship style
Congregational readings
Altar call or invitation
Location: Wayne County
Parking: Private lot
Wheelchair accessible: Yes
Saturday evening service: No
Multi-site church: No
Primary language used: English